Web sitemizi ziyaret edenlerin kişisel verilerini 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu uyarınca işlemekte ve gizliliğini korumaktayız. Bu Web Sitesi Gizlilik ve Çerez Politikası ile ziyaretçilerin kişisel verilerinin işlenmesi, çerez politikası ve internet sitesi gizlilik ilkeleri belirlenmektedir.
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Web sitemizi ziyaret etmeniz dolayısıyla elde edilen kişisel verileriniz aşağıda sıralanan amaçlarla T.C. İçişleri Bakanlığı tarafından Kanun’un 5. ve 6. maddelerine uygun olarak işlenmektedir:
Web sitemizi ziyaret etmeniz dolayısıyla elde edilen kişisel verileriniz, kişisel verilerinizin işlenme amaçları doğrultusunda, iş ortaklarımıza, tedarikçilerimize kanunen yetkili kamu kurumlarına ve özel kişilere Kanun’un 8. ve 9. maddelerinde belirtilen kişisel veri işleme şartları ve amaçları kapsamında aktarılabilmektedir.
Çerezler, ziyaret edilen internet siteleri tarafından tarayıcılar aracılığıyla cihaza veya ağ sunucusuna depolanan küçük metin dosyalarıdır. Web sitemiz ziyaret edildiğinde, kişisel verilerin saklanması için herhangi bir çerez kullanılmamaktadır.
Web sitemiz birinci ve üçüncü taraf çerezleri kullanır. Birinci taraf çerezleri çoğunlukla web sitesinin doğru şekilde çalışması için gereklidir, kişisel verilerinizi tutmazlar. Üçüncü taraf çerezleri, web sitemizin performansını, etkileşimini, güvenliğini, reklamları ve sonucunda daha iyi bir hizmet sunmak için kullanılır. Kullanıcı deneyimi ve web sitemizle gelecekteki etkileşimleri hızlandırmaya yardımcı olur. Bu kapsamda çerezler;
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Oturum Çerezleri (Session Cookies) |
Oturum çerezleri ziyaretçilerimizin web sitemizi ziyaretleri süresince kullanılan, tarayıcı kapatıldıktan sonra silinen geçici çerezlerdir. Amacı ziyaretiniz süresince İnternet Sitesinin düzgün bir biçimde çalışmasının teminini sağlamaktır. |
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Kanunun ilgili kişinin haklarını düzenleyen 11 inci maddesi kapsamındaki talepleri, Politika’da düzenlendiği şekilde, ayrıntısını Bakanlığımıza ileterek yapabilir. Talebin niteliğine göre en kısa sürede ve en geç otuz gün içinde başvuruları ücretsiz olarak sonuçlandırılır; ancak işlemin ayrıca bir maliyet gerektirmesi halinde Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurulu tarafından belirlenecek tarifeye göre ücret talep edilebilir.
Traffic enforcement is the most effective intervention to ensure observance of traffic rules by road users Changing road user behavior to ensure compliance with the rules requires to reinforce road user perception (defined as “Perceived Risk of Being Caught”) that any violations will be penalized, consolidated with immediate sanctions.
The society demands increased traffic enforcement and in return, enforcers request more understanding and as much support as possible for enforcement activities of all sorts, which seek to protect the health and safety of the society.
The ultimate goal of traffic enforcement is to ensure safety of life and property for all. From this perspective, it is only normal for certain enforcement methodologies and sanctions to lose their importance whereas others can become more important or implemented more frequently in tandem with social demands and reduced violations. Increased administrative sanctions is another preferred methodology to eliminate risky behaviors leading, especially, to serious injuries and deaths.
Traffic enforcement has always been and is still an important method to redress risky driver behavior as well as for enhanced traffic safety. During the implementation term of the 2011-2020 Road Traffic Safety Strategy and Action Plan, traffic law enforcers have had significant success towards traffic safety.
Especially the Traffic Safety Implementation Policy Document enacted in 2017 has brought a new dimension to target oriented enforcement activities, putting Turkey among the handful of countries to achieve the target of 50% reduction in traffic accidents in the period between 2011 and 2020.
Traffic enforcement focus has recently shifted from focusing on the root causes of violations and especially repeat-violators instead of mere violation of traffic rules, including interventions addressing the real causes of the problem through new strategies and focusing on risky drivers locally.
The 2021-2023 Road Traffic Safety Action Plan prepared within the scope of the Safe System Approach examines;
i. Focusing on Violations of Rules,
ii. Vehicles,
iii. Roads,
iv. Electronic Systems,
v. Aircrafts,
vi. On-board Systems,
As well as;
vii. The contribution of the Enforcement Aids on traffic safety have been analyzed within the scope of the 2021-2023 Road Traffic Safety Action Plan prepared within the scope of the Safe System Approach.
Analyses and other studies on road traffic safety demonstrate the pivotal nature of works to be carried out on various components of traffic (i.e., road users -humans, vehicles, roads and the road environment) around which such theories as Vision Zero and the Safe System Approach designed for traffic safety shall evolve.
Traffic rules that are effective on driver behavior requires voluntary adherence by drivers even in absence of any possibility of being caught or sanctioned. Otherwise, driver behavior can revert to non-compliant, when the perceived sense of being caught or the severity of sanctions are reduced.
For this reason, similar to other prevalent conditions that effect social acceptance of other laws and rules, there are two basic conditions to ensure voluntary acceptance of traffic rules by road users, which concern:
1. Recognition of rules, and
2. Practicality of rules.
In view that traffic accidents are a public health issue, preventable and that can be resolved through the Safe System Approach, elimination of all factors leading up to human-induced traffic accidents (humans being the primary system-component) require a scientific effort
Excessive or inappropriate speed is the cause of 1/3 of all deaths in traffic accidents around the world and also the primary cause of increased severity of traffic accidents due to other reasons. Speed-related deaths can be reduced through road design, engineering measures, and use of in-car technologies and elimination of the speeding habit as well as traffic enforcement. Speed enforcement on road sections, where accidents occur is easily accepted by the society. Furthermore, speed enforcement is also pivotal in prevention of other traffic violations. The rate of driver failure within the total of speed-related accidents is around 40%. A 5% decrease in average speed translates into a 30% reduction in deadly accidents. Electronic Enforcement Systems are the most effective method for speed reduction.
Objective |
O.8. Contributing to Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continuous and Intensive Speed Enforcement within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target-1 |
T.8.1. Reduction of speed-related accidents leading to death and injuries |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 8.1.1: Rate of completion of the legal amendment to change the number of speed violations from 5 to 3 in the previous year retrospectively from the date of violation concerned, which shall entail confiscation of the license of the driver concerned |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Strategy Development Presidency, General Directorate of the Turkish National Police COOPERATION BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie |
20% |
- |
50% |
100% |
- |
PI 8.1.2: Rate of completion of works concerning the finalization of legal regulations concerning vehicles, infrastructures and training for total mobilization as well as other efforts concerning the announcement of the “2021-2022 Anti-speed Movement with the aim to counter excessive and inappropriate speed |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of Highways, Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate, Transport Safety Inspection Center, General Directorate of Local Governments, General Directorate of Industry, Turkish Standards Institute, Union of Municipalities of Turkey, Municipalities |
20% |
- |
100% |
100% |
- |
PI 8.1.3: Rate of completion of R&D concerning speed enforcement using helicopters |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of Industry, General Directorate of Metering and Industrial Products Safety, Turkish Standards Institute |
20% |
- |
30% |
70% |
100% |
PI 8.1.4: Amount of increase in the number of vehicles controlled as part of speed enforcement by the traffic teams of the General Directorate of the Turkish National Police |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police COOPERATION BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie |
10% |
827.500* |
6% |
6% |
6% |
PI 8.1.5: Amount of increase in the number of vehicles controlled as part of speed enforcement by the traffic teams of the General Command of the Gendarmerie |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police |
10% |
400.000** |
6% |
6% |
6% |
PI 8.1.6: Number of new generation mobile radars added on the inventory for use in speed enforcement (including radar vehicles) |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: - |
20% |
- |
- |
200 |
200 |
Risks |
Strategies |
Findings |
Needs |
In settlements or in areas where motor vehicles are accompanied by cyclists and pedestrians
On roads with the possibility of head-on crashes
On roads free from risk of head-on or lateral crashes
On roads with the possibility of lateral crashes
Although figuratively not so frequent as other failures in traffic that cause loss of life, alcohol is yet another critical factor to risk traffic safety. Internationally acclaimed studies indicate that blood alcohol above 0.05g/dl significantly increases the risk of a traffic accident.
As part of efforts towards traffic safety and with the aim to ensure that drivers are encouraged to drive in observance of traffic rules, restrictions and prohibitions as well as to prevent accidents due to drink-driving and to minimize resulting deaths and injuries,
Specific enforcement activities to reinforce the perception of “not getting away” in addition to nation-wide targeted DUI enforcement are also carried out. During enforcement activities in 2019, totally 198.301 drivers were caught drink driving, where DUI amounted to some 1.3% of accidents with loss of life and injuries due to driver failure in the same period
Objective |
O.9 Contribute to Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continued and Intensive Alcohol Enforcement Within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target-1 |
T.9.1. Increase efficiency and dissuasive power of DUI enforcement |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 9.1.1: Rate of completion of regulations to enable re-licensing of DUI commercial drivers (transport of passengers and goods) whose licenses have been revoked and who shall attend driving courses following psycho-technical evaluation and psychiatric assessment for re-licensing |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Strategy Development Presidency COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Drivers and Motorists Federation of Turkey, Road Transportation of Passengers Sector Council - Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey |
10% |
- |
50% |
100% |
- |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 9.1.2: Number of information activities (posters, brochures, short movies, etc.) in alcohol vending establishments concerning the negative impacts of DUI on traffic safety |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: Municipalities, Confederation of Craftspeople and Artists of Turkey |
10% |
- |
3 |
4 |
5 |
PI 9.1.3: Amount of increase in the number of drivers through alcohol enforcement by the traffic police compared to the previous year |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police COOPERATION BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie |
20% |
6.130.000* |
6% |
6% |
6% |
PI 9.1.4: Amount of increase in the number of drivers through alcohol enforcement by the traffic department of the Gendarmerie compared to the previous year |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police |
20% |
696.000* |
6% |
6% |
6% |
PI 9.1.5: Number of alcohol enforcement activities assisted by all enforcement units with the aim to increase the visibility of alcohol enforcement efforts, for due judicial procedure as well as to have the opportunity to intervene and prevent the negative impacts of DUI on individuals |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: - |
20% |
- |
50% |
100% |
100% |
PI 9.1.6: Number of provinces, where specialized alcohol/drug enforcement units with duly-equipped vehicles have been established in cooperation with universities to perform continuous and intensive alcohol/drug controls |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: Forensic Medicine Institute, General Directorate of Penal Affairs, General Directorate of Public Health, YÖK (Higher Education Board) |
20% |
- |
1 |
3 |
5 |
Risks |
•Failure to ensure timely follow-up of technical devices requiring calibration
Strategies |
Findings |
Needs |
Article 48 of the Road traffic Law No. 2918 prescribes sanctions applicable for driving under the influence of drugs and stimulants whereas procedures and principles applicable to the determination by traffic law enforcers of the use of drugs or stimulants by drivers have been prescribed in Article 97 of the Road Traffic Regulation.
Driving under the influence of drugs/stimulants is generally defined as “an individual’s blood testing positive for any substances or any dose thereof, which lead or might lead to a measurable reduction in his/her psycho-motor capabilities.”
In preliminary tests during enforcement, drivers testing positive are detained for further referral to the nearest health institution for blood confirmation, which, if confirmed entails due legal procedure.
During controls for drugs and stimulants carried out by traffic law enforcers using technical capabilities in 2019, 2075 drivers tested positive, who were referred to due judicial/legal procedure
Objective |
O.10. Contribute to Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continuous and Intensive Controls for Drugs/Stimulants within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target-1 |
T.10.1. Deliver theoretical as well as practical training on the use of drug testers and test-kits during traffic enforcement |
Target-2 |
T.10.2. Reduce traffic accidents through prevention of use of drugs/stimulants |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 10.1.1: Rate of provision of user training on drug testing devices and test-kits for traffic safety staff during Basic Traffic and Accident Inspection Training |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police COOPERATION BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie |
25% |
- |
50% |
100% |
100% |
PI 10.1.2: Rate of delivery of user training on drug testing devices and test-kits for traffic safety staff of the Gendarmerie during Traffic Courses |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police |
25% |
10%* |
50% |
100% |
100% |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 10.1.3: Number of staff given user training on drug testing devices and test-kits within the scope of specialized traffic training for traffic staff |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police COOPERATION BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie |
25% |
- |
400 |
800 |
1.000 |
PI 10.1.4: Number of staff given user training on drug testing devices and test-kits within the scope of specialized traffic training for traffic staff of the Gendarmerie |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police |
25% |
330* |
500 |
600 |
700 |
PI 10.2.1: Number of Drug Test Devices available/used for traffic law enforcers of the General Directorate of the Turkish National Police |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police COOPERATION BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie |
20% |
40 |
100 |
150 |
200 |
PI 10.2.2: Number of Drug Test Devices available/used for traffic law enforcers of the General Command of the Gendarmerie |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police |
20% |
12 |
25 |
35 |
45 |
PI 10.2.3: Amount of increase in the number of drivers checked by traffic staff of the Police during drug tests |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police COOPERATION BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie |
20% |
1.463* |
6% |
6% |
6% |
PI 10.2.4: Amount of increase in the number of drivers checked by traffic staff of the Gendarmerie during drug tests |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police |
20% |
- |
6% |
6% |
6% |
PI 10.2.5: Rate of completion of regulations to enable re-licensing of drivers whose licenses have been revoked due to driving under the influence of drugs/stimulants and who shall attend driving courses following psycho-technical evaluation and psychiatric assessment for re-licensing at the end of the 5-year period following such revocation requiring re-attendance to a driver training course |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: Drivers and Motorists Federation of Turkey |
10% |
- |
30% |
50% |
100% |
*2020 yılı ilk 10 ay verileri üzerinden tahmini olarak hesaplanmıştır.
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 10.2.6: Rate of completion of works concerning capacity building to enable in-situ confirmation by health workers through blood and urine sampling of the test results of drivers who tested positive during preliminary checks and controls by traffic law enforcers |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of Legislation, General Directorate of Health Services COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Forensic Medicine Institute |
10% |
0 |
50% |
100% |
- |
Risks |
Strategies |
Findings |
Needs |
According to scientific research and evidence “seat-belt use reduce in-car deaths during an accident by 45% and severe injuries by 55%:”
Use of seat belts in EU member states is estimated at 90% and 71% for front and backseats, respectively. ETSC (European Transportation Safety Council) assessments reveal that 900 lives lost in traffic accidents could have been saved only if the rate of seat-belt use in member states could be 99% in 2012, when seat-belt warnings were mandated for all vehicles.
according to the “A Follow-up Study on the Seat-belt Use of Drivers and Front-seat Passengers in Turkey” by the Traffic Presidency of the General Directorate of the Turkish National Police and in collaboration with METU (Middle East Technical University), only 50.1% of drivers and 40.6% of front-seat passengers in Turkey buckle up. The same numbers are in the respective order of 42.4% and 31% for urban and 61.5% and 52.2% for out-of-city environments.
Objective |
O.11 Contribute to Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continued and Intensive Seat-belt Enforcement Within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target-1 |
T.11.1. Increased seat-belt use with further deterrence through information and effective enforcement |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 11.1.1: Amount of increase in the number of vehicles controlled by traffic law enforcers of the General Directorate of the Turkish National Police through fixed/mobile (using informants) seat-belt enforcement |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police COOPERATION BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie |
15% |
17.390.000* |
6% |
6% |
6% |
PI 11.1.2: Amount of increase in the number of vehicles controlled within the scope of seat-belt enforcement via KGYS (Urban Safety Management System) |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police COOPERATION BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie |
15% |
- |
6% |
6% |
6% |
PI 11.1.3: Amount of increase in the number of vehicles controlled by the traffic teams of the Gendarmerie within the scope of seat-belt enforcement via KGYS (Urban Safety Management System) |
RESPONSIBLE UNITS: General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police |
20% |
3.360.000* |
6% |
6% |
6% |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 11.1.4: Number of efforts carried out to inform drivers found not to wear seat-belts in “Tunnels for Life” established with the slogan “A Short Break for Life” |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: - |
10% |
- |
100% |
100% |
100% |
PI 11.1.5: Rate of realization of regulations concerning the driver/operator liability in use of seat-belts on board intercity coaches |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie |
10% |
- |
50% |
100% |
- |
PI 11.1.6: Rate of completion of the regulation concerning the ١-monthly temporary confiscation of the licenses of drivers who have been processed three times within the last year, retrospectively from the date of final violation |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Strategy Development Presidency COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie |
10% |
- |
50% |
100% |
- |
PI 11.1.7: Efforts towards gradual fines in case of multiple violation of the seat-belt rule |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Strategy Development Presidency COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie |
20% |
- |
50% |
100% |
- |
Risks |
•Changing institutional priorities •Legislative regulations taking time •Possible shortcomings in human resources management and discontinuities in the employment of specialist staff •Shortcomings in inter-institutional coordination and cooperation |
Strategies |
•Consolidation of seat-belt use as a behavior in drivers and passengers •Inclusion of the use of on-board child restraints to seat-belt enforcement and information of drivers regarding the injury-prevention capacity of such systems in the event of an accident •Ensure seat-belt use during possible emergencies via warning systems in case forgotten •Increase the rate of seat-belt use by drivers and passengers through increased seat-belt enforcement |
Findings |
•Minimization of deaths and injuries during accidents with the seat-belt •Passengers not having the habit of wearing a seat-belt on-board intercity commercial passenger transportation vehicles •Information of the wider public regarding seat-belt use as the right and an exemplary behavior |
Needs |
•Completion of legislative regulations as required •Enhance the current adult habit of wearing seat-belts through on-site and frequent enforcement •Ensure social behavioral changes in children of certain ages through campaigns and trainings •Warnings and training on seat-belt use for the drivers and users of service buses for public and private bodies |
Helmets and goggles must be worn during journeys for protection against possible traffic accidents. Use of helmets in motor-bicycles and motorbikes reduce deaths and injuries in accidents up to 45%.
Helmet use also reduces head trauma by 25% for cyclists during accidents.
Article 78 of the Road Traffic Law No. 2918 and Article 150 of the Road Traffic Regulation provides principles concerning the availability and use of protective equipment by certain drivers and passengers during journeys.
In 2019, a total of 341.305 cyclists were fined for not using protective helmets.
Objective |
O.12. Contribute to Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continued and Intensive Helmet Enforcement within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target |
T.12.1. Increased use of helmets for bicycles, motorbikes and motor-bicycles |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 12.1.1: Rate of completion of legislative arrangements concerning the regulation of the import and sales of motorbikes and motor-bicycles and mandating the inclusion of helmets in the sales and rental of such vehicles with the aim to reduce deaths in accidents involving motorbikes and motor-bicycles |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of Imports, General Directorate of Consumer Protection and Market Supervision COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Turkish Standards Institute |
30% |
- |
50% |
100% |
- |
PI 12.1.2: Rate of completion of legislative regulations concerning the non-permission of drivers and passengers sanctioned for not using helmets to continue their journeys without the helmet |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Strategy Development Presidency COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie |
30% |
- |
100% |
100% |
- |
PI 12.1.3: Rate of completion of the required works concerning mandating the use by cyclists and riders of motorbikes and motor-bicycles of such protective equipment as reflective vests and helmets. |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Strategy Development Presidency COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, General Directorate of Industry, Turkish Standards Institute |
40% |
- |
50% |
100% |
- |
Risks |
Strategies |
Findings |
Needs |
Failure to use on-board child restraint systems including safety belts, child seats and risers lead to increased risk of death in accidents, mostly due to forehead trauma.
Prohibiting the transportation of children less than 3 years of age on M1, M1G, N1, N1G and N3-class vehicles without child restraint systems, Article 150 of the Road Traffic Regulation mandates the use of child restraints suitable for the weight of children concerned during the transportation of children shorter than 150 cm and lighter than 36 kg, whereby children taller than 135 cm can use vehicle safety-belts under the condition that they shall not be seated in the front seat.
Objective |
O.13. Contribute to Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continued and Intensive Enforcement Concerning the Use of Child Restrains within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target |
T.13.1. Increased awareness on the use of child restraints through enforcement |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 13.1.1: Number of specific child restraint enforcement activities by the traffic law enforcers of the General Directorate of Turkish National Police |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police COOPERATION BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie |
30% |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
PI 13.1.2: Number of specific child restraint enforcement activities by the traffic law enforcers of the Gendarmerie |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police |
30% |
- |
1 |
2 |
3 |
PI 13.1.3: Rate of completion of initiatives to mandate the availability and use of child restraints on taxi cabs and buses used for intercity passenger transportation |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Strategy Development Presidency COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate General Directorate of Industry, Turkish Standards Institute, Drivers and Motorists Federation of Turkey |
40% |
- |
- |
50% |
100% |
Risks |
Strategies |
Findings |
Needs |
Similar to other distractions, use of mobile phones is another increasing problem in terms of traffic safety. Despite insufficiency of field data, “10-30% of causes of accidents are considered to be related to distraction.
Researches show that “drivers using mobile devices are 4 times more likely to involve in an accident that those that do not.”
During nation-wide stationary and mobile enforcement, drivers using mobile devices are administratively sanctioned and special enforcement activities with stationary/mobile (using informants) units are also carried out.
In 2019, during enforcement by traffic units, a total of 970.119 drivers have been sanctioned administratively for using mobile devices during driving.
Objective |
O.14. Contribute to Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continued and Intensive Mobile Phone Enforcement Within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target-1 |
T.14.1. Increased deterrence through effective enforcement on use of mobile phones while driving |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 14.1.1: Number of stationary/mobile (using informants) enforcement activities throughout the year by traffic law enforcers of the General Directorate of the Turkish National Police concerning the use of mobile phones while driving |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police COOPERATION BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie |
30% |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
PI 14.1.2: Number of stationary/mobile (using informants) enforcement activities throughout the year by traffic law enforcers of the General Command of the Gendarmerie concerning the use |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police |
30% |
2 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
PI 14.1.3: Rate of completion of the regulation concerning the 1-monthly temporary confiscation of the licenses of drivers who have been processed three times within the last year for use of mobile phone while driving, retrospectively from the date of final violation and the increase of the administrative fine applicable for such drivers |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Strategy Development Presidency COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie |
40% |
- |
50% |
100% |
- |
n Denetimi
Risks |
•Shortage of staff •Seasonal/periodical changes in enforcement priorities •Inability to use aerial vehicles fully due to seasonality |
Strategies |
Findings |
Needs |
Study of in-city accidents show that majority of accidents occur at junctions. Enforcement on compliance with traffic lights that are vital for regulation of vehicle traffic at junctions -especially red-light compliance- is of critical importance for traffic and especially for pedestrian safety.
For this reason, special random (using informants) enforcement on junctions without Electronic Enforcement Systems are also carried out to prevent accidents due to red light violations in addition to enforcement for “Traffic Light and Signage Violations” carried out to oversee compliance with right of way and traffic lights and signage at junctions.
Drivers were found to violate traffic lights in 24% of accidents in 2019
Objective |
O.15. Contribute to Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continued and Intensive Red-Light Enforcement Within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target-1 |
T.15.1. Ensure traffic safety through prevention of red-light violations |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
١. Ministry of Environment and Urbanization
٢. Ministry of Interior
3. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
4. Municipalities 5. Union of Municipalities of Turkey |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 15.1.1: Number of studies and analyses by the traffic law enforcers of the General Directorate of the Turkish National Police to identify junctions that are accident blackspots due to red light violation in each province and each district |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police COOPERATION BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie, General Directorate of Highways,Municipalities |
10% |
- |
4 |
4 |
4 |
PI 15.1.2: Number of studies and analyses by the traffic law enforcers of the Gendarmerie to identify junctions that are accident blackspots due to red light violation in each province and each district |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Directorate of Highways, Municipalities |
10% |
- |
4 |
4 |
4 |
PI 15.1.3: Number physical regulatory and signalization works carried out as well as the number of studies conducted at junctions identified in each province and each district by the traffic law enforcers of the General Directorate of the Turkish National Police that are accident blackspots due to red light violation |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Directorate of Highways, General Directorate of Local Governments COOPERATION BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie, Union of Municipalities of Turkey, Municipalities |
15% |
- |
4 |
4 |
4 |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 15.1.4: Number physical regulatory and signalization works carried out as well as the number of studies conducted at junctions identified in each province and each district by the traffic law enforcers of the General Command of the Gendarmerie that are accident blackspots due to red light violation |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie, General Directorate of Highways, General Directorate of Local Governments COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, Union of Municipalities of Turkey, Municipalities |
15% |
- |
4 |
4 |
4 |
PI 15.1.5: Number of provinces, where works concerning violations are spotted using stationary/mobile camera recorders on electrified junctions |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of Highways, Municipalities |
10% |
- |
30 |
30 |
21 |
PI 15.1.6: Amount of increase in the number of cars subject to seat-belt enforcement by traffic law enforcers of the General Directorate of Turkish National Police within the scope of stationary/mobile (in coordination with other units) controls |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police COOPERATION BODIES: - |
20% |
512.000* |
6% |
6% |
6% |
PI 15.1.7: Amount of increase in the number of cars subject to seat-belt enforcement by traffic law enforcers of the Gendarmerie within the scope of stationary/mobile (in coordination with other units) controls |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: - |
20% |
102.000** |
6% |
6% |
6% |
Risks |
•Changing institutional priorities •Legislative regulations taking time •Possible shortcomings in human resources management and discontinuities in the employment of specialist staff |
Strategies |
Findings |
Needs |
*Estimated using red light violation penalties issued by traffic law enforcers in the first 10 months of 2020
**Estimated using data for the first 10 months of 2020
According to studies by the World Health Organization, pedestrians constitute 22% of all traffic accident deaths with adult males losing more lives in such accidents with loss of life that mostly take place during the night. In economically well-off countries, accidents involving pedestrians occur, mostly, in urban areas and in rural areas in other countries with lesser economies.
Pedestrians, cyclists and motorbike riders are under more risk in terms of traffic safety, hence the term “Vulnerable Road Users”. Pedestrians in this sense also include children, the elderly and persons with disabilities.
Upon the amendment of the Road Traffic Law in 2018 the right of way of pedestrians has been recognized upon entry and egress in marked-only junctions without any traffic law enforcers or traffic lights.
As a result of campaigns targeting both drivers and pedestrians and traffic enforcement activities performed effectively and continuously with aim to raise “pedestrians first” awareness in the society, pedestrian deaths on scene of the accident which was 1077 in two years before the amendment of the Law has decreased from 1077 to 695 in the two years following the amendment of the Law, a drop of 382. By means of this amendment, a 35.5% decrease has been achieved in the number of deaths at the accident scene.
Objective |
O.16. Contribute to Road Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continuous and Intensive Enforcement for the Protection of Pedestrians in Line with the Pedestrians First Principle Within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target-1 |
T.16.1. Taking precautions to prevent accidents involving pedestrians |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
3. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure •General Directorate of Highways 4. Municipalities 5. Union of Municipalities of Turkey |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 16.1.1: Number of provinces where junctions, pedestrian crossings, other spaces and routes heavily used by pedestrians have been identified |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of Highways, General Directorate of Local Governments, Union of Municipalities of Turkey COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Municipalities |
20% |
- |
81 |
81 |
81 |
PI 16.1.2: Rate of completion of works carried out by respective units concerning the setting of a 30 km/h speed limit in such areas as sections of the road around the vicinity of school/pedestrian crossings and streets and avenues around residential areas inside the remit of traffic units of the General Directorate of the Turkish National Police |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of Highways, General Directorate of Local Governments, Union of Municipalities of Turkey COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Municipalities |
20% |
- |
100% |
100% |
100% |
PI 16.1.3: Rate of completion of works carried out by respective units concerning the setting of a 30 km/h speed limit in such areas as sections of the road around the vicinity of school/pedestrian crossings and streets and avenues around residential areas inside the remit of traffic units of Gendarmerie |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of Highways, General Directorate of Local Governments, Union of Municipalities of Turkey COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Municipalities |
20% |
- |
100% |
100% |
100% |
PI 16.1.4: Number of enforcement/specific enforcement activities carried out by the traffic law enforcement units of the General Directorate of the Turkish National Police concerning driver compliance with the right of way of pedestrians upon approach to entry and exit in marked-only junctions without any traffic law enforcers or traffic lights and pedestrian/school crossings |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of Highways, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Municipalities |
20% |
10 |
12 |
12 |
12 |
PI 16.1.5: Number of enforcement/specific enforcement activities carried out by the traffic law enforcement units of the Gendarmerie concerning driver compliance with the right of way of pedestrians upon approach to entry and exit in marked-only junctions without any traffic law enforcers or traffic lights and pedestrian/school crossings |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Directorate of Highways, Municipalities |
20% |
10 |
12 |
24 |
36 |
Risks |
•Changing institutional priorities •Inability to perform simultaneous controls on all pedestrian crossing for effective enforcement |
Strategies |
Findings |
Needs |
Aggressive driver behavior defines “deliberate and reckless way of driving in ways to endanger one’s own life as well as the lives of others due to impatience, boredom, enmity or urgency.”
Tailgating, drifting, changing lanes, improper passing can be given as examples to such behavior. Accordingly, highly-visible road traffic enforcement and controls can consolidate the perception of road users that they can be caught anytime, anywhere.
Unpredictability of enforcement activities and control spots as to where and when is widely deterrent and encourages drivers to act as compliant drivers wherever they are.
With the amendment of Articles 46 and 67 of the Law No. 2918, sanctions on vehicles and drivers to compromise road traffic safety by way of drifting and weaving in and out of lanes have become stricter
Objective |
O.17. Contribute to Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continuous and Intensive Enforcement on Aggressive Driver Behaviors within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target-1 |
T.17.1. Enhance traffic safety changing behavior of aggressive drivers through enforcement |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
Performans Göstergeleri |
Sorumlu ve İşbirliği Yapılacak Kuruluşlar |
Hedefe Etkisi (%) |
Plan Dönemi Başlangıç Değeri (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 17.1.1: Number of studies and analyses by the traffic law enforcement units of the General Directorate of the Turkish National Police to identify routes (in provinces and districts) on which aggressive driver behavior (drifting, dragging, etc.) are extensively seen |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police COOPERATION BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie, General Directorate of Highways, Municipalities |
30% |
- |
4 |
4 |
4 |
PI 17.1.2: Number of studies and analyses by the traffic law enforcement units of the Gendarmerie to identify routes (in provinces and districts) on which aggressive driver behavior (drifting, dragging, etc.) are extensively seen |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Directorate of Highways, Municipalities |
30% |
- |
4 |
4 |
4 |
PI 17.1.3: Number of specific enforcement activities performed on routes on which violations have been identified as a result of studies and analyses on aggressive driver behavior |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of Highways, Municipalities |
40% |
- |
24 |
24 |
24 |
Agresif Sürücü Davranışlarının Denetimi
Risks |
•Changing institutional priorities •Legislative regulations taking time •Possible shortcomings in human resources management and discontinuities in the employment of specialist staff •Shortcomings in inter-institutional coordination and cooperation |
Strategies |
Findings |
Needs |
This type of enforcement called “Examination of Driver Competence” concerns the inspection of the impacts on driving of sickness, tiredness, sleep or drowsiness, especially, of the elderly drivers and the drivers of commercial transporters of passengers and goods.
Research show that drowsiness and tiredness while driving are equally compromising in terms of traffic safety as driving under the influence of narcotics, psychotropic drugs and psychoactive substances as well as use of mobile phones and other electronic devices that lead to visual incapacity while driving.
Drowsiness and tiredness are critical factors leading to accidents involving individual drivers. Micro-sleep or short-term memory loss that can last 4-5 seconds means that more than 100 m are covered under sleep at a speed of 90 km/h, which is ample time for an accident to occur.
Rest times and periods of drivers commercially transporting passengers and goods are inspected using tachograph data and non-conformant drivers are not allowed to resume driving. In this regard, a total of 54.592 such drivers were found in violation of rest periods in 2019.
Objective |
O.18. Contribute to Ensure Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continuous and Intensive Drowsiness and Fatigue Control of Drivers within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target-1 |
T.18.1. Increase the number of enforcement activities for commercial transporters of passengers and goods to prevent drivers from driving while drowsy or fatigued |
Target-2 |
T.18.2. Increase the number of controls on other drivers to prevent driving while drowsy or fatigued |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 18.1.1: Number of simultaneous, planned and jointly-carried out enforcement activities performed intensively for the inspection of working and rest periods of transporters of passengers and goods with the aim to prevent their involvement in accidents related with fatigue and lack of sleep due to driving more than time allowed for work |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of Highways, Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety, Department of Guidance and Inspections |
30% |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
PI 18.1.2: The rate of completion of works concerning the inspection of the working conditions, rest and working periods of drivers as well as other scrutiny and evaluations in relation thereto by occupational inspectors within the general scope of occupational health and safety in view that driving, as a profession, is an important line of work where any mistake can have a direct impact on loss of life |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Counselling and Inspection Department, General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety COOPERATION BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate, General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Social Security Institution |
30% |
- |
30% |
70% |
100% |
PI 18.1.3: Rate of completion of works concerning the provision of traffic law enforcement units with vehicles, equipment, instruments and in terms of human resources as well as gradual decrease of their area (route) of responsibility and other works concerning enhancing the capabilities thereof within their remit with the aim to facilitate visibility and effectiveness of fatigue controls on main routes for transportation of passengers and goods, including mobile enforcement |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of Industry, General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety, Department of Guidance and Inspections, Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate, General Directorate of Highways |
40% |
- |
30% |
70% |
100% |
PI 18.2.1: Rate of completion of works concerning the identification of road side rest parks where long-distance drivers can have short pauses to relieve fatigue and drowsiness before and after holidays when road traffic mobility increases significantly |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of Highways, General Directorate of Local Governments COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Drivers and Motorists Federation of Turkey |
50% |
- |
100% |
100% |
100% |
PI 18.2.2: Rate of long-distance drivers directed to roadside parks, where they can have short pauses to relieve fatigue and drowsiness before and after holidays when road traffic mobility increases significantly to the number of all long-distance drivers using the same route |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of Highways, General Directorate of Local Governments, Drivers and Motorists Federation of Turkey |
50% |
- |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Risks |
•Changing institutional priorities •Legislative regulations taking time •Possible shortcomings in human resources management and discontinuities in the employment of specialist staff •Shortcomings in inter-institutional coordination and cooperation |
Strategies |
Findings |
Needs |
Part of traffic accidents on the road network are accidents involving one vehicle, which is another chapter in international analyses on accidents.
One-vehicle accidents are mostly the result of use of mobile phones, which are distractions for drivers or of other factors such as fatigue or drowsiness and use of alcohol, etc. that disrupt safety of driving, including speeding, which alone increases the risk of accident significantly.
Another dimension of one-vehicle accidents concerns accidents involving pedestrians as vulnerable road users.
Safer use of the road environment as regards commercial activities required a more detailed handling of the issue of transportation of passengers and goods for commercial or other purposes other than personal or private reasons.
Motor-bicycles, motorbikes and bicycles are getting popular every day, with significant increase in the number of motorbikes in urban and intercity traffic as well as an increasing number of bicycles and motor-bicycles in urban traffic.
The “Regulation on the Type Approval and Market Supervision and Enforcement on Motor Vehicles and the Trailers, Parts, Systems and Separate Technical Units Thereof” (AB2018/858) published in the Official Gazette No. 31104 dated 19.04.2020 and
the “Regulation on the Type Approval of Motor Vehicles and the Trailers and of the Parts, Systems and Separate Technical Units Designed Therefore in View of Overall Safety Thereof, including the Protection of Road Users and Passengers” (AB/2019/2144) published in the Official Gazette No. 31127 dated 14.05.2020 are the building blocks of increasing the safety features of vehicles.
More than 60% of one-vehicle accidents occur on roads outside of settlement. The most effective ways of preventing one-vehicle accidents on roads outside of settlement areas are “improved infrastructure” and enforcement of “speed limits appropriate for the road concerned.
Objective |
O.19. Contribute to Ensure Road Traffic Safety by Way of Prevention of One-vehicle Accidents Through Effective, Continuous and Intensive Enforcement Within the Scope of Safe System Approach |
Target-1 |
T.19.1. Performance of works and enforcement as required to reduce the number of one-vehicle accidents |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 19.1.1: Number of inspections, assessments and analyses concerning the identification of road sections with a high number of roll-overs, run-offs and swerves, including the identification of the problems and further remedial action and improvements by units responsible for the construction, maintenance and repair of such roads |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of Highways, General Directorate of Local Governments, Union of Municipalities of Turkey, Municipalities COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, General Directorate of Infrastructure Investments, Department of Supervisory Services, Transport Safety Inspection Center |
30% |
- |
2 |
2 |
2 |
PI 19.1.2: Rate of completion of works concerning the improvement of required infrastructure on road sections identified, which shall be carried out by the organization responsible for the maintenance and repair of the road |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of Highways, General Directorate of Local Governments, Union of Municipalities of Turkey, Municipalities COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, General Directorate of Infrastructure Investments, Department of Supervisory Services, Transport Safety Inspection Center |
30% |
- |
25% |
50% |
100% |
PI 19.1.3: Amount of installation of vehicle/traffic law enforcer models/dummies on road sections identified as well as stationary and mobile enforcement activities carried out by traffic law enforcers |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of Highways, General Directorate of Local Governments Union of Municipalities of Turkey, Municipalities |
40% |
- |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Risks |
•Shortcomings in timely regulation
Strategies |
Findings |
Needs |
The imbalance between various modes of transport is the biggest problem for road traffic safety in Turkey and the upward trend in road transportation is deemed to continue unless the demand for road transportation is channeled to other modes.
Organizations carrying out commercial activities using the road network at all levels and other businesses performing such activities as works, maintenance, repair and construction on the road network must behave in observance of traffic safety.
Organizations related with road structure or those that need the road network to perform their activities have both ethical and legal responsibility to ensure traffic safety of both their employees as well as the wider public. These organizations also have the resources and the expertise needed to further enhance traffic safety.
Legislation in Turkey concerning the regulation of road transportation as required for national economy; concerning the regulation and safety of transportation activities; determination of service conditions for freighters, agencies, transportation middle-men as well as conditions applicable to cargo storage and courier services; identification of the competencies, rights and other liabilities and responsibilities of those employed in transportation services and legislation seeking to ensure due operation of road transportation activities in a way integrated with other transportation systems as well as to ensure that existing capabilities are availed of more efficiently are as follows:
Modes of Transportation of Goods-2019
In addition to bus companies transporting passengers, intercity passenger transportation activities organized by civil society organizations, associations, schools and tour operators for purposes of touristic activities during the summer/winter as well as sports and cultural activities are also equally important in terms of road traffic safety.
Looking into accidents involving vehicles used in intercity transportation of passengers, it is seen that such accidents are the result of drivers not dropping speed upon approach to junctions during the day, drivers not observing lane keeping and lane changing rules or those that fail to keep the following distance in addition to other such reasons as driving without foresight of weather conditions as well as driving in a sleep deprived or fatigued state and driver’s/passengers’ failure to put on their seat-belts, which causes loss of life and serious injuries.
Traffic law enforcement is carried out as a continuous effort with the aim to ensure a more regulated and a safer environment for intercity passenger transport and to minimize the accidents involving these vehicles and deaths, to maximize drivers” compliance with traffic rules and to prevent unsafe (or pirate) transportation activities.
Upon finding that accidents resulting in loss of life and serious injuries involving passenger coaches are relatively more frequent between the hours of 02:00-08:00, “Traffic Control Stations” have been set up for such vehicles on certain arterial routes.
Although the ration of coaches used in transportation of passengers to all registered vehicles was 0.9% in 2009, their rate of involvement in accidents within all vehicle types was highest with 2.8%.
Objective |
O.20. Contribute to Road Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continuous and Intensive Enforcement on Coaches Used in the Transportation of Passengers within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target-1 |
T.20.1. Increased enforcement on the vehicles and drivers of vehicles of intercity passenger transportation |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PG 20.1.1: Number of 24/7 control points erected on main arteries and routes accommodating buses for intercity transportation of passengers and seasonal workers |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: Department of Supervisory Services, General Directorate of Highways, Services Regulation General Directorate, General Directorate of Local Governments, Union of Municipalities of Turkey, Municipalities |
20% |
3 |
5 |
7 |
9 |
PI 20.1.2: Rate of increase in enforcement activities by civilian staff concerning buses transporting intercity passengers with B1 and D1 licenses (enforcement on the move) |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate |
20% |
3.700 |
6% |
6% |
6% |
PI 20.1.3: As regards intercity transportation, rate of completion of initiatives concerning the simultaneous use with the Ministry of Interior of the U-ETDS system (Electronic Traffic Enforcement System for Transportation) commissioned by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, including performance of enforcement activities through the system, which shall be also integrated with those of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry of Treasury and Finance and the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of Investments and Facilities, Revenue Administration, Social Security Institution Presidency General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie |
20% |
- |
50% |
100% |
- |
PI 20.1.4: Number of biannual visual and print disclosure on TV and through the Press of the outcomes of accidents with death involving vehicles used in road transportation of passengers and similar vehicles, vehicles, drivers and number plates of the latter as well as the title of the bus operator within the framework of the Additional Article 4 of the Law No. 2918 |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate |
20% |
- |
2 |
2 |
2 |
PI 20.1.5: Rate of completion of works concerning the amendment of Article 26 of the Road Transportation Law No. 4925 for due alignment with the sanctions prescribed in the Additional Article 2 of the Road Traffic Law |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie |
20% |
- |
50% |
100% |
- |
Risks |
•Failure to understand the need to duly perform institutional responsibilities
Strategies |
Findings |
Needs |
In view to increase the visibility and safety of vehicles transporting goods on intercity roads, it is important to continue enforcement activities with unwavering determination in order to prevent traffic violations that call for accidents, especially, the presence of lateral and rear protective frames that are obligatory for such vehicles, including rear reflectors and other markings.
Rest periods of the drivers of vehicles used in transportation of goods are controlled using data recorded on tachometers whereby drivers without adequate rest are not allowed to continue. Installations and equipment on-board vehicles of transport, drivers” competencies, the characteristics of the cargo transported as well as the road-fitness thereof are effectively controlled.
In this regard, a total of 54.592 such driver were found in violation of rest periods in 2019.
Objective |
O.٢١. Contribute to Road Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continuous and Intensive Enforcement on Heavy Vehicles Used in Transportation of Goods within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target-1 |
T.21.1. Reduction of the number of accidents involving heavy vehicles used in transportation of goods through enforcement |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
4.Ministry of Interior
5. Ministry of Culture and Tourism •General Directorate of Investments and Facilities 6. Ministry of Industry and Technology •General Directorate of Industry 7. Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure •Department of Supervisory Services
8. Municipalities 9. Union of Municipalities of Turkey 10. TÜVTÜRK |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 21.1.1: Rate of completion of analyses of actors to multiply the risk of death and severe injuries for passengers on-board vehicles involved in accidents with a focus on heavy and large vehicles |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Transport Safety Inspection Center, General Directorate of Highways COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate |
15% |
- |
50% |
100% |
- |
PI 21.1.2: Rate of completion of works concerning the identification of in-city and intercity routes for vehicles that, per analyses, are heavier and larger than agreed limitations |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of Local Governments, General Directorate of Highways, General Directorate of Provincial Administration COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate, Department of Supervisory Services, Union of Municipalities of Turkey, Municipalities |
15% |
- |
- |
50% |
100% |
PI 21.1.3: Number of planned joint enforcement activities carried out at pre-determined times |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, General Directorate of Highways, Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate COOPERATION BODIES: Municipalities, Revenue Administration, General Directorate of Environmental Management |
15% |
- |
12 |
12 |
12 |
PI 21.1.4: The rate of increase in the number of heavy vehicles the type approval of the lateral and rear protection frame has been controlled |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, TÜVTÜRK COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of Industry, Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate |
10% |
9.396.000* |
6% |
6% |
6% |
PI 21.1.5: As regards intercity transportation, rate of completion of initiatives concerning the simultaneous use with the Ministry of Interior of the U-ETDS system (Electronic Traffic Enforcement System for Transportation) commissioned by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, including performance of enforcement activities through the system, which shall be also integrated with those of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance and the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of Investments and Facilities, Revenue Administration, Social Security Institution Presidency General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie |
15% |
- |
50% |
75% |
100% |
PI 21.1.6: Rate of completion of preparations concerning enforcement on transportation activities using the U-ETDS system |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of Investments and Facilities, Revenue Administration, General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie |
15% |
- |
50% |
75% |
100% |
PI 21.1.7: Rate of completion of works to enable data entry in administrative fine tickets by traffic law enforcers based on the Road Transportation Law, including upload of such tickets on the system |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate, General Directorate of Public Accounts, Revenue Administration |
15% |
- |
100% |
- |
- |
Risks |
•Changing institutional priorities
Strategies |
Findings |
•Unavailability of staff to carry out qualified enforcement activities other than traffic law enforcers
Needs |
Transportation of dangerous goods on public roads have to be performed in a safe and regulated fashion so as to ensure that human health as well as other living creatures and the environment are not harmed, including the control of the responsibilities and liabilities of those involved in such activities such as forwarders, receivers, fillers, loaders, dischargers, packers, operators of tanks, containers and portable tanks, transporters and drivers of any and all vehicles.
Vehicle hardware, competence of drivers, quality and road-fitness of cargo are subject to assessment as per traffic and ADR legislation.
Objective |
O.22. Contribute to Road Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continuous and Intensive Enforcement on Vehicles Transporting Dangerous Goods (ADR) within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target-1 |
T.22.1. Increased enforcement on vehicles transporting dangerous goods |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 22.1.1: Ratio of traffic staff at the general Directorate of the Turkish National Police and the General Command of the Gendarmerie with ADR training delivered by specialist staff to the total number of staff on-board these units with the aim to ensure ADR enforcement certification |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie |
20% |
- |
%1 |
%1 |
%1 |
PI 22.1.2: Number of roadside enforcement activities performed within the scope of transportation of dangerous goods |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie |
10% |
20.000 |
33.000 |
34.000 |
35.000 |
PI 22.1.3: Number of planned joint enforcement activities to be carried out annually at predetermined periods |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie |
10% |
- |
4 |
8 |
12 |
Performans Göstergeleri |
Sorumlu ve İşbirliği Yapılacak Kuruluşlar |
Hedefe Etkisi (%) |
Plan Dönemi Başlangıç Değeri (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 22.1.4: Number of parking areas established by the respective authority for vehicles used in transportation of dangerous goods, which have been banned from traffic, prioritizing main arteries, routes and metropolitan areas |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate, General Directorate of Local Governments, General Directorate of Highways, Municipalities COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency |
10% |
- |
30 |
30 |
21 |
PI 22.1.5: Number of smart parking lots for vehicles used in transportation of dangerous goods and cargo |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Municipalities |
10% |
- |
- |
- |
1 |
PI 22.1.6: Rate of completion of the mobile application developed following the completion of smart parking lots for vehicles used in transportation of dangerous goods and cargo |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate, General Directorate of Highways COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Municipalities |
10% |
- |
30% |
60% |
100% |
PI 22.1.7: Number of stationary checkpoints established by the respective authority for vehicles used in transportation of dangerous goods, which have been banned from traffic, prioritizing main arteries, routes and metropolitan areas |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate General Directorate of Highways COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, General Directorate of Local Governments, Municipalities |
10% |
- |
30 |
30 |
21 |
PI 22.1.8: Number of provinces, where specific routes have been identified for the transportation of explosives, LPG, fuel oil, ammonium and nuclear substances |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate COOPERATION BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie, General Directorate of Highways, General Directorate of Local Governments Municipalities |
10% |
- |
30 |
30 |
21 |
PI 22.1.9: Number of amendments and other regulations in such areas as transportation, road network, accidents, enforcement and all related data concerning the transportation of dangerous goods |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate COOPERATION BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie, General Directorate of Highways, General Directorate of Local Governments Municipalities, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency |
10% |
- |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Risks |
•Changing institutional priorities
Strategies |
Findings |
Needs |
Service buses/minibuses are used for the urban transportation of the staff of public and private bodies as well as other staff in many other sectors including touristic shuttles, free-of-charge services of private companies, etc.
Although the activities of such service buses/minibuses are regulated by municipalities, planned and targeted enforcement activities are also carried out in areas and along routes accommodating industrial activities as well as other businesses in view of the traffic conditions and the traffic volume of provinces.
Objective |
O.23. Contribute to Road Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continuous and Intensive Enforcement on Service Buses/Minibuses within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target-1 |
T.23.1. Prevention of accidents involving service buses/minibuses through enforcement |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 23.1.1: Number of works to identify service routes in industry and business-intensive areas |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of Local Governments, General Directorate of Provincial Administration COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Union of Municipalities of Turkey, Municipalities, Drivers and Motorists Federation of Turkey, Road Transportation of Passengers Sector Council - Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey |
10% |
- |
2 |
2 |
2 |
PI 23.1.2: Rate of completion of works concerning the certification/licensing of vehicles and drivers to be used with the aim to prevent unregistered/unauthorized transportation activities in provinces |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of Local Governments COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Union of Municipalities of Turkey, Municipalities, Drivers and Motorists Federation of Turkey, Road Transportation of Passengers Sector Council - Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey |
10% |
- |
100% |
100% |
100% |
PI 23.1.3: Number of intensive enforcements on service buses/minibuses carried out jointly with stakeholder institutions |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Municipalities COORDINATION BODIES: General Directorate of Local Governments, Union of Municipalities of Turkey, Drivers and Motorists Federation of Turkey, Road Transportation of Passengers Sector Council - Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey |
20% |
- |
12 |
12 |
12 |
PI 23.1.4: Amount of increase in the number of vehicles subject to enforcement during enforcement activities for service buses/minibuses transporting agricultural workers during the high season for agricultural activities |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: - |
20% |
195.000* |
6% |
6% |
6% |
PI 23.1.5: Rate of realization of enforcement activities to ensure the operation of road vehicles transporting seasonal agricultural workers between the hours of ٠٠:٠٠ and ٠٦:٠٠ in line with the Circular on Seasonal Agricultural Workers No. ٢٠١٧/٦ by the Prime Ministry |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: - |
20% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
PI 23.1.6: Extent of inclusion of traffic safety measures in concession agreements of recipients of such transportation (service buses/minibuses) services and the rate of completion of works concerning the enforcement thereof |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Public bodies procuring such services General Directorate of Provincial Administration COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate Municipalities, General Directorate of Local Governments |
20% |
- |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Risks |
Strategies |
Findings |
Needs |
Enforcement concerning service vehicles subject to the Regulation on School Buses No. 30221 of 25.10.2017 is carried out with the aim to regulate and ensure the safety of transportation activities involving students in preschool and compulsory education as well as other children at kindergartens and children’s clubs, including the determination of procedures and principles applicable to the competencies and working conditions of real and legal transportation bodies.
To ensure safe and peaceful travel for school-age children, to increase the perceived sense of “being caught” through enforcement activities and to maximize the attention and sensitivity of service bus drivers to prevent accidents involving these vehicles, in addition to “Regular Enforcement on School Buses/Minibuses”, special enforcement activities are also carried out.
During such enforcement activities, compliance with the provisions of and issued specified in the Regulation on School Buses/Minibuses are inspected in addition to compliance with traffic rules, including notification of respective school administrations and municipalities in the event of any non-compliance.
Objective |
O.24. Contribute to Road Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continuous and Intensive Enforcement on Service Buses/Minibuses within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target-1 |
T.24.1. Ensure safe and peaceful travel of students and to prevent accidents involving school buses/minibuses |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
• General Directorate of Provincial Administration
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 24.1.1: Amount of increase in the number of enforcement activities throughout the entire academic year as per the Regulation on School Buses/Minibuses especially during the start of the academic year and right after the term break |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, General Directorate of Secondary Education COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of Primary Education |
25% |
414.350* |
6% |
6% |
6% |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 24.1.2: Number of joint efforts involving stakeholders before the start of the academic year focusing on the operation of school buses/minibuses as well as challenges encountered with the aim to ensure regulated and safer functioning of school transportation services |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of Provincial Administration, General Directorate of Support Services COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of Family and Social Services, Transportation Services Regulation General Directorate, General Directorate of Private Education Institutions, General Directorate of Basic Education, General Directorate of Industry, Municipalities |
25% |
1 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
PI 24.1.3: Number of enforcement activities on school buses/minibuses carried out jointly with stakeholder institutions |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie, General Directorate of Secondary Education COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of Private Education Institutions, General Directorate of Basic Education, General Directorate of Industry, Municipalities |
25% |
1 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
PI 24.1.4: Number of enforcement activities on service buses/minibuses performed by education bodies commissioning such transportation services |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of Secondary Education, General Directorate of Private Education Institutions, General Directorate of Primary Education COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie |
25% |
- |
8 |
8 |
8 |
Risks |
•Changing institutional priorities
Strategies |
Findings |
Needs |
Technology and technical advancements have a variety of contributions to the transportation sector as well as the advent of vehicles. The PTW group of vehicles dominated by motorbikes and bicycles until recently has gone through changes culminating in variety.
In Turkey, the number of motorbikes and motor-bicycles as well as the amount of use thereof are on the rise, which constitute 14.6% of the total number of registered vehicles and 18.8% of vehicles involving in accidents.
In addition to existing enforcement efforts, also, targeted and planned simultaneous enforcement activities are carried out on such vehicles with the aim to prevent traffic accidents involving motorbikes and motor-bicycles and to enhance traffic safety for drivers and passengers.
Objective |
O.25. Contribute to Road Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continuous and Intensive Enforcement on Motorbikes, Motor-bicycles and Bicycles within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target-1 |
T.25.1. Prevention of accidents involving motorbikes, motor-bicycles, bicycles and e-scooters through regulation and enforcement |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |
Planning Period Baseline Value (2020) |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
PI 25.1.1: Rate of completion of legislation concerning the coverage of motor-bicycles (mopeds) under Compulsory Financial Liability Insurance for Motor Road Vehicles |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: Insurance and Private Pension Regulatory and Supervisory Authority COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie |
20% |
- |
50% |
100% |
- |
PI 25.1.2: Amount of increase in the number of enforcement activities on bicycles, motorbikes and motor-bicycles carried out by traffic law enforcers of the General Directorate of the Turkish National Police |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police COOPERATION BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie |
20% |
1.850.000* |
6% |
6% |
6% |
PI 25.1.3: Amount of increase in the number of enforcement activities on bicycles, motorbikes and motor-bicycles carried out by traffic law enforcers of the General Command of the Gendarmerie |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Command of the Gendarmerie COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police |
20% |
132.000* |
6% |
6% |
6% |
PI 25.1.4: Rate of completion of works concerning the sale of vehicles, which have been banned from traffic and confiscated as per the provisions of the Road Traffic Law or for being unattended and which have not been claimed by the owners thereof in 6 months |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of National Estate COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of the Turkish National Police, General Command of the Gendarmerie |
20% |
- |
50% |
100% |
100% |
PI 25.1.5: Rate of completion of works concerning the inclusion of scrapping of 2-wheeler motorbikes and bicycles in the “Regulation Concerning the Control of End-of-Life Vehicles” published in the Official Gazette No. 27448 of 30/12/2009 |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of Environmental Management COOPERATION BODIES: Notaries Union of Turkey |
10% |
- |
50% |
100% |
100% |
PI 25.1.6: Rate of completion of works concerning the registration of electrical bicycles by Local Administrations with the aim to ensure traffic safety |
RESPONSIBLE BODIES: General Directorate of Local Governments, Municipalities COOPERATION BODIES: General Directorate of Environmental Management, General Directorate of Industry |
10% |
- |
50% |
100% |
100% |
Risks |
•Changing institutional priorities
Strategies |
Findings |
Needs |
*Calculated as national estimate using data for the first 10 months of 2020
Another critical factor causing traffic accidents are “agricultural vehicles and tractors”, which are also road users in numbers varying based on seasonality and regional conditions.
Such vehicles are seen to have negative impacts on traffic safety due to failures in observance of traffic safety by uncontrolled and unsafe presence of tractors, harvesters, etc. on the roads with missing or insufficient and inadequate use of lights, rear-reflectors and other fittings, which are also seen to carry non-standard loads including on trailers as a result of carrying out their activities in rural environments such as villages and for a limited amount time throughout the year only for purposes of agricultural activities.
At times of seasonal increase in agricultural activities in Turkey, planned and focused enforcement activities are carried out with the aim to minimize road traffic accidents, to enhance vehicle and driver compliance with traffic rules and to consolidate road users” sense of being caught through enforcement activities.
It seen that 8.2% of Turkey’s motor vehicle profile is composed of tractors. In accidents involving tractors in 2019, a total of 188 persons have lost their lives, which corresponds to 7.4% of all deaths on the scene of accident.
Objective |
O.26.. Contribute to Road Traffic Safety Through Effective, Continuous and Intensive Enforcement on Tractors, Other Agricultural Machinery and Equipment within the Scope of the Safe System Approach |
Target-1 |
T.26.1. Ensure traffic safety of tractors, other agricultural vehicles and machinery through enforcement |
Table of Responsible and Cooperation Bodies related to Performance Indicators |
Performance Indicators |
Responsible and Coordination Bodies |
Impact on Target (%) |